Category Archives: business

Why is it so hard to be on time?

The meeting will start at 8:30AM.”

That’s what the email said, anway.

It lied.

Most events do not start on time. Why, because the people don’t come on time. They straggle in 15 to 30 minutes late. These days you’re lucky if half the people are there on time. It is a world-wide epidemic effecting business, social and religious events. Nothing seems to be immune. 

So, why can’t people arrive on time?  Did they have a legitimate emergency? Is it because they felt forced to attend, so they’ll get there…whenever? Does past experience (“our culture”) tell them, “… things never start on time here” so being late is acceptable? Do they feel their time is more important than the others, so they make an appearance at their convenience? Did they fail to anticipate how long it takes to get from one place to another? Did they forget or overbook themselves?  

Yet, have you noticed that people arrive on time to things that are important to them or will cost them something?  Ask yourself, “What would make this more important or valuable to those attending?” then act accordingly. 

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Filed under business, creativity